Now that is a piece of the puzzle from FJ Stephens which explains some of the dynamics. Every story has two sides. So it will be very interesting to see what the response is to the above.

What was the British German Legion? Everybody (well almost everybody) knows about the King�s German Legion in the service of the British crown during the Napoleonic Wars. The KGL was very well thought of - but like many other military formations was disbanded after the end of the military campaigns. Remnants were incorporated into the emerging state armies.

Fast forward to the Crimean War. With the British Army stretched thin. It was suggested that because of the exemplary service of German soldiers in the Napoleonic Wars that German soldiers again be recruited to serve the now British Empire in that campaign. Queen Victoria (who was also of German ancestry) approved of the idea. And the British German Legion came into being.

Rob, Which (post) wars are you referring to? When Prince Eugene stopped the Ottoman Turks from invading Europe, the Napoleonic Wars, or the Crimean War? Wink

Regards to All, FP