My first response is to Rob NL,

Rob - I applaud your initiative in presenting the "differing issues" concerning your sword to LtC. (ret) Tom Johnson, and I am pleased to acknowledge that you offered LtC Johnson's reply in full and unexpurgated form.

I think it is sad and unacceptable that you have to fight the claim to establish the righteousness of your sword - when the man who sold it to you (and maybe some other questionable items?) has suddenly decided that he cannot answer questions or resolve inconvenient enquiries.

I think that that says a lot about his so-called "life-time guarantees". So I would advise you to consider these circumstances very carefully.

I do not question LtC Johnson's overall response to your enquiry, because I think that he would actually like to examine the piece personally before making a definitive statement. Therefore I will leave that exposition until a better, more informed, moment.

Respectfully yours

Frederick J. Stephens