I believe that Craig confirmed that the 1st Pattern Luftwaffe Dagger in question, and the piece that caused so much upset at last year's MAX Show, are one and the same. See his submission of 1 July, on page 6 of this thread.

Regarding the trademark on the dagger, to the best of my recall it is the Eickhorn 1936-41 version - and NOT the later 1941- version, with the squirrel looking over its shoulder. Logically, for the alleged period of the dagger award, I would have thought that the late period marking would have been more appropriate for the piece.

No other information on the marking on the Wolf Sword, other than the odd comment by Arthur Grigg "Eickhorn, but without the squirrel".

I can only hope that excitability about these items has died down, and that they can be discussed calmly and rationally.