Frederick J Stephens , with you saying that those 2 items are fake , that also means that the biggest collectors and dealers around the world have owned and sold those fake items! Thats kind of strange to say the least .
So , that means , untill the great Frederick J Stephens came around , they really didnt know what they were dealing with , is that right ?
Do you really think that you can really know how they worked at the Eickhorn factory?
If I tell you that the tang of the Wolf sword is stamped with an 8 , does that mean that Wolf made 8 swords?
Or does it mean that they knew who to return the sword to after the etching?
No , they probably made 8 postwar swords , and only one is still around. Oh no , even better , they made the etching postwar, thats right .
But why is there then the number 8 stamped?
If i tell you , that the other dagger that you were reffering to , was given by his fellow officers , and this has also been fotographed , then the pics are also postwar?
These items were around for a very very long time , and were in the hands of VERY well known collectors and dealers , but NO one EVER saw that they were fake?
Maybe I get a lot of punches to my head( that is correct ) but that is something that I dont understand .
Maybe it is because you are the allmighty fake detective , and all the others just blind , stupid and havent been collecting long enough to see a fake from real .
I dont have to tell you who those people are that I am talking about , they are the starters of our hobby , maybe you have read a book of them , I heard that sometimes they also brought out a book . Maybe even 2.
Do me a favor and go online and see if you can find some more fake daggers and swords that are beeng offered for sale, and please look here also , I really would like to see wich ones you say are real , and wich ones are fake to you.
Or was the case that everything Craig owned was fake?
For me , with those things that you have brought up , you havent convinced me at all , and this is NOT that I own these items , I can sell them right now if I please , to big dealers around .
Oh , I forgot , they probably dont know their way around with daggers and swords.
Well , I just have sell them now quickly before they read your post , right????