Oh, Boy. Something's hit the fan - I can smell it from here and I am 6000 miles away.

Jagdtiger 74 - Welcome to the Forum, you have certainly been busy with your replies, seeing as you only joined us two days ago. I expect that your colloquial understanding of the Solingen arms business and the German language is going to keep you busy with the rest of the membership. They will have heaps of questions to ask you - I know that I have.

I do not speak fluent German, only a knowledge of some technical things, plus enough to book my hotel room, pay for a meal, and to claim diplomatic immunity if I transgress your traffic laws.

I appreciate that you have spoken about the use of the word "Herren" - although, sadly, we cannot now continue this discourse because the photos have been removed. Never the less, let me thank you, because even in being corrected, I always appreciate the comments from someone who knows what they are talking about.

It also appears that I have transgressed the boundaries of acceptability, by including photos in my submission for which I do not own the copyright, and therefore the offending image has been lifted. It is a bit like dealing with eBay, really - I think the word is called "censorship". It is not a concept that I easily understand. This site is full of photos lifted from other sources (auctions, dealer sites, etc) and whereby the copyright is not even acknowledged. Suddenly - at the whim of some complainant - "offending images" can be removed in less than an hour or so. Have we now got our own Gestapo? (Well it would only be fitting - considering the subject matter that we are dealing with.)

Of course, I must be honest and admit that I took advantage of my privileged position - as I am often privvy to information and images that are not for widespread consumption. It appears that I made a vast error of judgement. And so I will apologise, publicly, to Craig.

Craig, I am sorry that I have abused the use of your copyright photographs. I can only offer the explanation of my belief that exposure of this fraudulent item would be of benefit to many; whereas restricting it from the public gaze would only be of benefit to a few. My defence is that - I made a mistake. My concept is - that the man who never made a mistake, never made anything.

With highest regards to all who have contributed to this thread.

Frederick J. Stephens