Houston, Thanks for the update on Donald Vernon. This is getting a little weird because we see 1968 dated correspondence between General Wolf and Howard Bayliss. Then in the mid 1970�s Donald Vernon has the sword. And in the 1990�s we know it�s back to Howard Bayliss - where Bob Johns said he saw it in the wood frame. Howard Bayliss kept the sales information from Arthur Grigg as part of the documentation. Is there correspondence or records between Donald Vernon and Howard Bayliss? Does Rob have it?

Craig, I don�t want to overload the airwaves so I�ll keep it short. Just when did I criticize the blade itself? I thought that I did good job of avoiding it. Not so for the scabbard - but that�s another matter.

Also, before you invest a lot of time on a line by line of what I said. You might want to look at the pictures Rob sent very, very, closely before you comment. Not a few, but all of them. FP