
Here is what I said...

"As both Fred Prinz and Red point out this is not a standard etching template but is a custom lettered etch."

Is this an Eickhorn sword/blade?

This sword certainly does not have a standard textbook Eickhorn etch template. If it did, the lettering would say something to the effect of "Zur Erinnering an meine Dienstzeit" or some other generic statement as shown in the Eickhorn catalogs. It could then be compared with other standard boilerplate templates from Eickhorn or others. Instead it has a customized presentation inscription. That is why I said, "custom lettered etch."

Portions of the etch are an Eickhorn style template. The lettering itself is a custom etch. The style of the custom lettering is what I have been reading the discussion on. You are either selectively mis-interpreting what others are saying or you are mis-understanding.

Please do not mis-interpret what I say.

"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself." Ricky Nelson