Here is the pdf file with the 82 documents. It currently only on the German side so I listed it here for you. It is of course auf deutsch !
But the entire history of Schone through these documents mirrors the history of the Automobile Corps---Kraftfahr Korps as presented in our Article.

Documents include his initial assigment, how much will be paid for his car if lost in service
RM 14,000. a lot of money. Life insurance !Assignemnts as lookouts to be at certain places at certain times, then the mobilization of the Corps and his reduction in rank to an unteroffizier, secret day orders as a member of the 91 infantry regiment, his movements back throught the ranks to Lt. and attachment as Commander of the KFKK courier service in Budapest. Finally his release from service in 1918. Now the final document is very important from an historical standpoint. Remember the sailors revolted in Kiel when the Navy commanders wanted to make one last stand against the British fleet. The sailors said we are not going to the bottom for nothing.
This revolt spread through the German military and you had soldiers electing their commanders, the Kaiser fled to the Netherland and the military was in a shambles.
This last document has the stamp lower left of one of these socialist elected commanders, Soldatenrat Kraftfahr Korps countersigning Schone's official release, fascinating stuff. Rarely will you ever see a more historical document and stamp.