Hi Hugh, RE: Gary's super late war Foto:

Just some thoughts, and also IMO:

"It looks to me like this old fellow (who looks a bit too fragile to have been of much use in performing the TN's demanding duties)" - Yet, it's True - BUT the TN Men were Technical Specialists. So, this fellow 'may' have possessed a special set of skills, which were not diminished by his age.

"(he) knocked up those collar patches himself as they are too long and narrow and the pips are not positioned in the centre of the patches as they should have been." Also True, BUT even the SS were known to have 'field made' some of their Collar Tabs (Patches)- so, the same could reasonably have taken place with the TN.

My 'belief' is that there was a logistical nightmare, with regards to supplying the 'required' June 1, 1943 TN insignia. As a result of this, a number of the TN personnel were required (or just did it) to make whatever changes that they could (and based upon whatever materials were locally available.)

I wouldn't even be surprised to see Fotos of 1940-42 TN Insignia being worn - without the COGS, in an attempt to have the Collar Tabs (Patches) appear to be more 'SS Like.' Just my Opinion. Txs, Dave/dblmed

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