I'm delighted to say that our coverage of the TN in Volume 2 of "The German Police" will now have an appendix with over 500 TN.-Ortsgruppen identified, with their respective parent TN.-Landesgruppen and location.

This is a great step forward and includes ALL Ortsgruppen at 1 May 1934.

Such lists obviously exist for other dates, but have so far eluded us.

I'd also like to be able to fill in the respective TN.-Bezirksgruppen (the intermediate level of command between 8 of the 15 LG and their constituent OG), but that will have to wait for Volume 3.

If anyone can contribute Ortsgruppen IDs (i.e. with parent LG and town/village name) I'd be most grateful and this will of course be shared with all.
