Originally posted by Dave Hohaus:

If you don't like me or the way the CoC is administered, then why hang around?


I see some things never change around GDC (I am looking at you Dave). That's the reason why Johan, Manfred, Bob, etc all left. The list is huge. You all know it.

The problem is, and always was, you Dave Hohaus.

I heard that Pat is gone now too. I read your "need to grovel before me with a written apology" soliloquy and I it reminds me of listening to an egomaniac.

A question for this forum:

Does "rationality" exist among the GDC members to see what's really wrong?

Cough......Lead Moderator.....cough.

I was never banned. I left because of your out of control power trip.

I'll check back in another 2 years or so.


<img src="http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2002-4/20265/XBQKF-me109-transparent.gif" width=115 height=34>