if some people here see some things that they didnt see before , they become real whiners. If I ever want to sell those pieces , then these whiners will allways go like " Well , that piece was the forum , and the "experts" said it was fake.

For what ever it's worth you're way off base here. When an item is presented on this forum that's not been seen before people become suspious. We know all too well how much fakery has occurred over the years. Then when additional information is requested and it's not forthcoming they become downright leery. At that point the owners motivation for posting the item usually comes into question.
Many of the members here that have either questioned your items of frankly have tried to provide you with candid opinions are well known in the collecting community. We have spent a lot of time together both on and off the forums and particularly at the shows. None of them IMO fit you perception of a "whiner".
However; There are real limitations to what can be derived from pictures. If you really want to find out about these items you're best bet would be to either bring them to the MAX or have someone else do that if you can't. I expect the either Tom Johnson or Tom Wittmann would provide apropriate people to review them. In Tom Johnsons case he could confirm that the sword was in the same configuration as when he first saw it in the 70s.