Originally posted by Donald Abenheim:
I have been waiting for this material to decline in price, or even stabilize, since about 1968. My hopes have been dashed. I cannot account for people interested in this material, who are unable to study the past, develop their empirical skills, read and reflect. I suppose these traits are dying out in this society, generally. I collect this material because it has always interested me, and, despite forty years with it, I still have much to learn and understand. sapere aude.

The decline of the Western Civilisation! Who wants to learn these days, especially history? At work - in the Netherlands - I notice the same decline in spirit and interest for work and cases beyond new mobile phones, fast cars and having fun - hedonism. When I look back at my fathers generation - he is from 1927 - it was a totally different matter... alas. And this reflects on our historical hobby.


"Panzer vorwärts!"