In regards to Civil war items, they are also still on demand in Museums nationwide where often displays of memoribilia from that period make nationwide tours through different museums. History that still lives and has important relevance to this nation, schools still teach more about the civil war and its causes than they do about the Nazis.Hence the collectability of items associated with this nations history which by the way remains under the same form of government it had during the civil war.
I am certain and im begining to see it happen (despite what many said over the past five years)that younger people just do not hold the fascination with these items that the babyboomers have. In the past two months ive seen a few sell off that $10000 knights cross they waited for and worked so hard to buy AT COST or for less than they paid..they got tired of it? or they realized that much money may only come around once? When they bought them they were so excited but the thrill ended withing a couple years in one case within a couple months.I am certain the peak has been reached and prices may get higher but collectors will get fewer.