The reason my mannequin took so long to complete is that I didn't just go shopping with a lot of cash-I was trying to get all the components directly from US veterans. I knew a 502nd officer that had a FJ helmet and TWO camo jump smocks. For 15 years he assured me I would someday get them and told me to be patient. Then he died and his family seems to know nothing about where his WW2 stuff went.
Finding real FJ ttousers and boots proved to be difficult and I'd guess that even a collector with the requisite money in hand would have to wait awhile before a pair of either of those items becomes available. I got both via some costly trades and it just took a long time for things to come together.
Hell, even finding an enlisted fliegerblouse with flight-colored tabs and piping in a human size (large enough to fit a mannequin) took awhile.
None of these items grows on trees any more. Anyhow, I began this project around 1984 and finished it around 2004.