The fact is that the SOS is still one of the two best military shows and is no doubt the largest military show in the world. This year we had 1624 tables-the maximum we can get in the hall according to fire regulations.
Attendance was not down at all but very large as usual.
Some did not attend but others were there for their first time.
Sales were down a bit across the board but many reported it was the best show they had ever had.
The economy is down around the world-- no doubt-- but we still had a VERY large worldwide attendance
I observed MANY quality and rare items for sale--and yes--Many sold.
Almost ALL dealers pre-paid for the 2010 SOS which says it all. Expect another early announcement that the SOS 2010 is sold out as usual.
So--If you missed it and did not have to--IMO you missed out.

MAX & OVMS Life Member, MAX Bd. of Experts. GDC Platinum Dealer. Collector since 1955.