Thanks for all of the help guys. For a disgruntled member let me clear some things up. I own the Tshako but it is presently on its way to me in the mail (or so I hope) it is minus the korkade but it has the plume. Apparently it was in poor form for me not to have mentioned that I do not yet have it in hand( I fail to see the relevance of this but since it offended one member I want to clear it up) Secondly I have been offerred one from a member for $125.00 and have been informed that they are very rare. I appreciate his help and respect his right to name his price however it is not my fault if members of the forum peanut gallery-his words not mine, offer in with assistance about others on dealer sites. After all it is my post and my request for help from all members, regardless if this conflicts with the price that one person is asking.I indicated that I was interested in the piece at $125.00 but because it wasn't cheap I wanted to wait until committing until the Shako actually arrived. Had it been $30.00 to $60.00 I would have bought it outright. Has this forum fallen so low that we now create controversy out of threads/posts for aid. I want to thank all that took the time to reply, including the un named member. I really sincerely appreciate every bit of assistance that any forum member offers me. I am sorry if my post for help offeded anyone. It clearly was not my intent, Jeez! Roll Eyes Confused cheers, Ryan