Originally posted by JohnPic79:
I want to give an honest observation about the tunic without being ganged up on and called a spoilsport as has happened in the past.

IMO the tunic is a fine original example from that company of Joseph Andrysek. I owned a tunic from them before that bore the same tailoring qualities.

The sleeve eagle IMO was restored or replaced at one time.Look at the cut and the positioning on the tunic sleeve,its far too low, and way back when, collectors were not on the up and up about such details.

The shoulderboards also possibly replaced.Since im not certain but believe Weissenbock finished his combat duty with the SS Cavalry and due to injury or something was assigned to an NPEA school in Vienna until the end of the war.This is not all fact just what I can assume based on the record.Funny because the officer tunic I owned from Josef Andrysek was also to a member of the SS Cavalry who is buried in a cemetary near Vienna.

The DKG was added post war by a collector which back in the 60s-70s was not unusual there was no internet and purist ideology was not as widespread.More people collected just for fun and many of us knew the chances of owning a real tunic to a DKG or KC winner were slim slim.Nobody saw your collection either it was for your pleasure.Just my opinion, still the tunic is a real named SS officers tunic and everything on it is real.I was going to buy it despite my feelings about it but lacked the spare money.


I agree with you that I have my doubts on the DKG as well. That's why I am looking for more information regarding Hans Weissenbock. About the other insignia I really can't be for sure until I have collected more information. If Weissenbock served with the SS Cavalry we know certain some post-war replacement did occur.

Still, I am extremely proud with this tunic regardless of the possible replacements.


"Panzer vorwärts!"