Originally posted by Serge (aka Wagner):
After talking with some of my experienced colleages off line we have some long standing concerns regarding many of the items you seem to be putting out here for opinion (testing).
First those two Totenkopf rings are fake in the opinion of persons whom opinion I trust in these items.
Now you present a dagger who's owner resides in Chomutov, Czech Republic. A city of less than 50,000 people. Known by a very small circle of collectors as the "Solingen" of the Czech Repro daggers. (Yes,I don't like this one either but I will not tell you why. Cool)
For the past year I have seen nothing but fakes put up by you saying "What do you guys think?" or "Look what a friend of mine dug up."
And it seems like the the product of your friends are almost always a fake.
Which you follow up a question of why some one thinks it is bad and to point out the details.
People are talking and it may be time for you to either buy some of these gems or pick up your chips and try a different game cause the table is getting cold.
But I for one will no longer continue on helping on what I personally consider the improvement of your "friends" product.
Not only that but I will continue to be it your face like that ugly fake ground-dug Totenkopf ring which is the 2nd fake example your "friend" had dug up in the same field! HA!

A new post from German Daggers Dot Com > German Daggers Dot Com > The Honor Ring Forum!

Author Topic: HH ring - today discovered
Jan CZ
Posted 04 December 2008 15:49
Originally posted by Serge (aka Wagner):

Originally posted by Josias:
I agree that the Himmler signature looks very good compared to almost all fakes I've seen. Still, it's not typical of the 1940's style Himmler engraving, and appears too small. The thicker, beveled engraving you see here looks more like the 1934 style. The notion that seeing the recipient's name, which is ALREADY known, is nonsense, because a faker can see many different examples of original rings on this forum and WA forum. My original ring has a capital "K" also. I't would be nice to see if it's the same style. What's the sense of posting something, and then hiding part of it? MORE PICS!!!!!

Is this a second time a "friend" of yours have found a Tote ring? And I recall that you showed another "ground-found" tote ring also leaving out the name of the owner.
I recall there were questions about that ring too. Forum members asking for more photos but your "friend" didn't want to show. So was it perhaps it had the same name as this ring? Same friend perhaps found 2 tote rings!? Our two different "friends" who both don't want to show the owners name?


Serge, this is really second ring he found. First one was discussed here: http://daggers.infopop.cc/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/74097573/m...050048054#2050048054
He found it at the same field!
Ok, I am gonna resize other pics, and post them.


I also urge my fellow collectors to look at Jan's post on WAF and see the material that is fronted by him there. It is IMO all shady. That is where the evidence leads me. Other opinions my vary. I have stated mine.


Serge (aka Wagner): I know I'm old but do you think you can teach me to write neat letters like you before I die? Probably not. Oh Also, is there really a Santa Clause???

Gailen David