OK, now the real story. These photos were taken in the in the early 60's by an acquaintance of mine with a Polaroid camera. This is a photo of his neighbor (who fit in the uniform) taken by the owner. The owner got this and other German items from his next door neighbor, a WW2 Vet. He was a kid and they used to dress up in this stuff. He told me it was complete right from head to toe including the shirt, tie and the sword. Flash forward to 1968 and he is in the Army getting ready to ship out to Vietnam and the Ft. Benning museum historian talks him out of the uniform to put on display. He is still a kid and gives it to the officer.

Here is the question....Has anyone seen this uniform at the museum? If not, where? As you note, it is a priceless setup and the previous owner is curious.

SS_uniform.jpg (74.85 KB, 932 downloads)

Regards, Jeff