Originally posted by mike peters:
Here's my take on it ..and mind you I've never owned one of these but ..here's what I see.
To me , it looks like the oval background fabric is older than the embroidered Eagle ..look at how the Oval is in some places ..threadbare ..you can see the crosshatch showing through in places. But look at the condition of the thread of the Eagle ..I don't see any wear or fading , nothing.
Maybe when you machine embroider on an older piece of fabric ...the fabric warps & distorts and pulls a little creating that puckering effect ..but , why would you have to glue a paper backing on a patch like this ? It's not Bullion. Was the paper meant to keep it flat? And the paper is in rough shape ..maybe from water ? If it was from age ..I think that Eagle wouldn't be a crisp as that.
The thread also looks thicker than what I'd expect ..it almost makes the leaves look puffy like the Paki Patches we've see around.
To Buy or not to Buy ...that is the question.
(I've heard that someplace before Confused)

Thread and a material, are in an identical condition. The fabric was deformed that has been sewn on a sleeve, it explains also a bad condition of a paper on a reverser. The good condition of strings speaks that badge sniper ` s have entered this only per 1944, and war has ended in 1945. Cool