I in turn agree that this General's tunic is a 'put-together'. Aylson, I do have to admit I've seen something regards this tunic that I do like a lot,- (it's the belt & buckle!) And I'm willing to bet the same person who sew'd the 2 ribbons to the front (EK2/Russian Front) thru the buttonhole is the same person who put the 2 ribbons on his tunic #21. Take a look. I do love that label. "Juno" Beach was one of the landing sites of the Normandy Invasion, perhaps the tag serves to indicate that Gen. Beelitz served as defensive Kdr. of "Juno" beach??!! Seriously tho, G.S. advertises his Site on here, & with his proclamations of having impeccable expertiese, should have caught that miscarriage before buying it & offering it for sale.