Here's a thought. People being people and men being, well men we all have egos and are full of bravado. I have been accused on more than one occasion of adding fuel to the fire but that was never(or seldom) my intention. As my wife puts it, I was just being a man! This topic has already gone on too long and is beginning to deteriorate into a possible insult slinging match. I think that it is time to create the Neanderthal forum for those who wish to vent, argue, insult (lightly)and engage in acts of false bravado. Heck I might even visit that one myself on the odd occassion. Rules being: no profanity, no threats of physical harm, no hints of illegal actions or activity, Big Grin Now maybe I'm serious and maybe I'm not. Might just fill a need. C'mon guys it is 2006, where the hell are those resolutions?!!!! When I was a child I acted as a child. Now is the time to put away childish things. Time to grow up gents. If I appear condescending I didn't intend to be. I could still mature a tad myself. cheers to all, oh and by the way...I'm still not leaving!!! Ryan Wink