And THAT is exactly how dealers screw us over: by pricing $300 bayonets at $650, so when you pay $450, you think you getting a good deal, when in fact you are paying $150 more than it's worth.

The bottom line is whether or not YOU are happy with it. That's all that really matters! But you did ask what we thought, and I'm not going to lie to you. How are we supposed to learn unless someone is honest enough to tell us what something is really worth, or at last, has consistently sold for in the past (as things are worth whatever someone is willing to pay)? I made the exact same mistake once, paying $400 for one of these, only to find out from a friend that I was ripped off, and because he was honest with me, I was then able to ensure I didn't pay $400 for any $250 private purchase kS98 sawback again.

Here's to those who make what we collect worth collecting.

Bravo Troop, 1/7 CAV, 5th BCT, 1CD
OIF II, Al-Rashid, Baghdad, Iraq