In order to have a proper Ebay type feedback system, it has to be connected to the item in question. Add in the fact that software would be indeed needed and you have the second problem.

And whats the difference between leaving negative feedback and posting a negative experience, would you be stopped from posting negative feedback?. Its a conflict or an oxymoron.

Houston has a scary point, most of these negative posts are done by people that are hidden behind tree's, Im not, and I am not about to jump out and attack a top dealer, as I am a buyer. And I dont know who is going to put up an item I want. Not that I have a beef anyway.

But there are some guys out there that walk the line, and some that cross it. I dont really have a negative experience with any dealer over a transaction, they send me items, I pay for them and its done. I think I have sent 1 item back in 7 years and I think I made a mistake by doing that, as I thought it was bad.

That dealer did not say boo about taking it back and at that time I was not buying like I have in the last 2 years.

But to just put up a section for inquiry would be no different than what we have now, there will just be a dedicated place for it, with pretty much the same rules, and if some mo-mo wants to trash someone with an alias and 2 posts, I think people will be able to see where the issue is.

No need to over complicate it.

