The admin of this site will need to take a hard look at this idea. While it would be nice to be able to post positive comments about transactions with Named (professional) dealers. It could develop into negative campaign because of a buyers temper, based on the text of the sales ad and e-mail�s with said dealer.

Add to that, no person who has worked real hard to make a named for themselves with these dealers, would want to cut off the supply of good items.

I could show a few transactions that have happened over the past five years on some site's that would place that dealer in question. Why bother. After the error was noticed they fixed it, but only after others posted comments (Neg) about it.

This is how I look at this as a hobby, (since I have a real job and don't need to scramble to pay any bills). There isn't a single person in this hobby that hasn't made at least one error in buying or selling. The only thing that counts are how you fix the problem and learn from it.

As to ebay rating system? Not a bad idea, but who is going to write the program? Who will monitor it? I think all NEG postings will require that the person submit all emails, pics etc to the manager of this section. Then that person will decide if the posting is allowed.

GDC Gold 0024