I think the idea of a "Dealers' Feedback Forum" is a terrific idea and is long overdue. Of course it's got to be monitored as well if not more than the others to ensure it's not slanderous but having a specific area to go to when wondering about a specific dealer is a good way to air beefs, not just unresolved issues. If someone has a gripe in addition to legitimate documentation to the claim, why not allow others to hear about it? And in the case where a dealer refunds someone's money where an item's authenticity is questioned only to relist the same item, it might serve as a warning to others. Things like this should be aired, if only to prevent new collectors from getting burned.

Another benefit might be to motivate some of the schlock dealers from questionable business practices. I've had a similar experiences as Pat, with a dealer's "no questions asked" being politely shuffled to the side, even though my only conflict was in the grading.

GDC Gold Badge #290
GDC Silver Badge #310