This is pretty much happening already in the individual Forums. Guys are always asking for references about specific dealers. I answered a question just this morning about Matt Calderone.

Our Code of Conduct allows specific complaints about a dealer if you have an unresolved issue with that dealer. It has been used successfully to right wrongs and expose fraud.

The reason we ask that members try to resolve complaints first is that mistakes are made both by dealers and by customers and they should be settled between the two if at all possible. The fact that an item is sold does not make it real, but ..... on the other hand, an item that is returned is not necessarily a fake. I have seen what I thought were real items being returned because some folks here did not like them.

We ask that negative comments are tied to a specific item so that both sides know exactly where the problem lies.

What we do not allow is second hand shots such as "I hear this guy sells crap, what do you guys think?".
