This is my dagger, and I am grateful it has been drawn to the forums notice.
Dave, you are 100% right as usual, some of the master engravers work is quite stunning, and can only be admired.
When I first saw this dagger, I was amazed at the workmanship, and had a choice to make, it was a family purchase by my picker, which means nothing, so agreed to buy it at normal price plus about $1000. I think it is pre-war or wartime, the swastika on the pommel is forbidden in Germany, the penalties are harsh, and therefore I think any engraver in peacetime Germany would have to be a very brave man to undertake such work.
I specialise in cloth, and love a finely embroidered title, or tab, in my view this is the dagger collectors equivelant.
I have priced it fairly in my opinion, not at $25,000 asked by one stateside dealer for such a piece, but at a premium over the normal asking price, I think this is fair, I will not get rich from this piece, but, hopefully someone will appreciate it enough to bite the bullet, and accept it for what it is, a beautiful piece of work. It belongs in a good collection.