@ Dave:
Robert Hassler wrote once on 14.03.2005
There are realy not much infos about this SS school out. The school was first a forest sanatorium for people with lung problems. As the patient rate was going lower each year (final year 7 people) the SA F�rth took over this hospital and changed the inventory for a SA Sportschool.. In this early period still when they modifyed the building the the SS took it over for a SS Sportschule.
But this was also just for a realy short time maybe max. for one year then the SA took it over again in spring 1935. Finaly Sept. 1938 it has changed then again to a hospital.

So SA has been there.

Can say nothing concerning the dagger itself.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.