I dunno Tom, I think the law of diminishing returns is going to come into play at some point in time, in trying to force guilt down the throats of whole populations who had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of WW2.

Doesn't mean these events should be forgotten, but I don't see the need to play it up like the experiences of the Jews are the eternal center point of the history of the world - I think this sign incident was part & parcel of that attitude, and was way overblown.
They could have said hey, thats an important piece of a black period of our history, you'll never sell it on the open market and we'd really like to get it back.
It means an awful lot to alot of folks, so no questions asked, just return it please.

Instead its "THIS IS WAR !" & "POLAND MUST FIND THIS SIGN!", as if there's no more important thing on the planet to anyone.
Yeah, its an important symbol of the terrible trials of a people generations ago, and yes it should be preserved ,,, But somehow I believe this world would keep right on spinning without it.
It may represent the attempted genocide of a peoples to them, to me its starting to represent a forced guilt trip, and I say at some point in time they are going to have to start letting it go.
