While this theft was a insult to history and horrible. I am still so surprised at the BS history the papers feed people. That sign isn't even in the part of the camp that was designated for exterminations. Auschwitz II- Birkenau was the area where people were put to death. So no one million people past to there deaths going under that sign, they got off the trains and went to a completely different area if they were subject to immediate death.

Also Auschwitz wasn't even part of the Aktion Reinhart(AR), meaning its primary purpose was not putting people to death. The News has continued to call it a death camp even though it was not. It was a concentration camp were people were used for work or experiments which most often did lead to staggering death rates but they had a chance. The people that couldn't be used were usually killed in Auschwitz II- Birkenau. If you went to one of the real "death camps" a camp that was part of the AR(Sobibor, Belzec, Treblinka or Majdanek) you were almost 100% assured death. Auschwitz operated for 5 years, far longer than any of the AR camps and is responsible for 1/6 of the deaths while the AR operated around 2 years and is responsible for 2/6 or more of the Jewish victims. I think the AR camps had a far more diabolical intent than Auschwitz yet you never hear about them? Maybe the death camp verse concentration camp thing is all semantics nowadays but it shouldn't be because they had a much different intent.

I also think from research that Ukrainians were far more anti-Semitic during the war than the Poles. They weren't under treat of death yet many willingly went to occupid Poland to work at the Death camps and were nastier than the Germans most the time! Into That Darkness is one of the best books on this subject the Author interviews many victims as well as the perpetrators it will give you a far better understanding than most any other book on the subject in my opinion. Still the theft is a travesty to history!