Originally posted by Fred Prinz (aka "Frogprince"):

There were (and still are) machines such as rolling mills. But with a punch that looks like it has a fairly flat face, and flat back. And being reasonably certain that it was at one time paired with a corresponding die. With all due respect to everyone concerned. How would they have been mounted and used? In the context of the early 1930�s/40�s, with something other than a conventional punch (or coining) press?

This particular design from Gaspare picture can not be struck using rolling mill. Rolling mill can be used on flat and same width design. Pattern have to bee engraved on one roll other roll stays flat. then just slide piece of metal thru it. Sometimes you can make forming roll without engraving directly on roll, it can be done using master die and one roll "raw"(I mean not forged), but forging sure is needed after. Also there is possible use of rolling mill with regular dies. Simply let die and forming material thru rolling mill.So use of rolling mill and punch press use is the same process. Sure these dies rolled thru rolling mill will not survive for long time, but it is possible.

There are less original rings than you think, much less...
