Gary, a pommel in different color generally does not make me think bad. They were held in hand much more that the rest of the dagger therefore a difference in collor might be ok.
We always have to take a close look if you can detect any hand enhancing which is normally on those period pommesl. If simply cast without the least hand enhancing normally is a not too good sign.
BUT a WKC trademark which I am not used with (might be a weimar-time mark), a depot stamp, an ivory grip and at least a typical ALCOSO crossguard would let me think.
Imo a put together dagger. We never know when this did happen.
Blades that are shortened this way obviously were broken after surrender (even to be worn in POW camps) and later, nowadays, when the worth of daggers is detected, are retipped.

wotan, gd.c-b#105

"Never look for sqare eggs" as a late owner of an original FHH-dagger used to say.