The "High Binders" (Big Ticket Sellers) are having a rougher time now getting their Big Numbers for several factors.

1. The economy.
2. Collectors who are willing to accept lower prices and are happy to get it.
3. In the Militaria world the advantage has swung over to the buyers. And they want deals. Who wouldn't?
4. Many collectors are placing their collections for sale and it's the best time to BUY than I've seen in many years.

I've had some of my best buys in the last 2 years. Couldn't even find the items before unless you went to a "Fill Basket" dealer. Frown

I like these big ticket guys. It makes it easier for me to sell my more reasonably priced item.
Yes, in some cases if you bought four years ago from a High Binder you will lose money if you try to sell it today. But then again in many cases you would have lost money trying to resell it after your purchase.
