I have sold many nice items on GDC over the past year well below retail. Most of the stuff sells within a few minuets to an hour and rarely sits in the for sale forum more then a day. The stuff that folks overprice sits for ever. You have to be on your toes and watch like a hawk if you want to get the bargains listed on GDC they don't last long. SmileI try and sell stuff according to what I paid for said item and what I think is a fair price. I don't care what so and so or the dealers are selling there stuff for. Sometimes a true collector gets the stuff cheap but more often then not its a dealer that will just turn around and resell the stuff at a greatly inflated price.I have seen items I've sold to individuals resold for nearly three times the amount they paid within weeks. That's just the way things are, good, bad or indifferent.