Originally posted by Josias:
Put it this way: I would KILL to have such a device, and not have to cast each of my repro TKRings.

Have to agree for 101% with Josias. When I started to make repro TK rings I did it using casting method. But since orders kept coming in I decided not to fool arround with casting and do real deal. Josias know all the pain in ... with hand finishing casted things. For me it's wast of time and poorer quality. There is no diference what casting equipment has been used, anyway you will loose quality and there will not be absolute "Sameness" or repeatability in other words. Than add all the trouble with cutting to the correct size and engraving and attaching skull and blah, blah. After I made dies for TKring when I hear about casting them it sounds to me like dantist pulling tooth thru ass, sorry for vulgarity.

There are less original rings than you think, much less...
