
thanks for posting so many interesting items on this thread. Thanks also for pointing out the fact that "The Krico horseshoe and hunting dog you will also find on targets".

This "horseshoe and hunting dog" image can be seen on the bottom of the 1910 Junghans & Kriegeskorte catalog. While researching Junghans & Kriegeskorte I found a site with 165 Schutzenscheiben from the 1920's to present.

One target is from 1935, made of cardboard and has a hollow rivet hanger just like my 1944 Lamsdorf target.

Here is the link for the 165 targets: https://schuetzen-iphofen.de/bilder/

Web capture_12-6-2024_12754_schuetzen-iphofen.de.jpeg (49.7 KB, 86 downloads)
Target is from 1935, made of cardboard and has a hollow rivet hanger.
Web capture_12-6-2024_114053_schuetzen-iphofen.de.jpeg (50.44 KB, 86 downloads)
1936 Kleinkaliber Schutzenscheibe
Web capture_12-6-2024_12920_schuetzen-iphofen.de.jpeg (48.68 KB, 86 downloads)
1938 Wild Boar Schutzenscheibe