I sent an email to the German firm of Krieqeskorte GmbH asking about the KRICO brand sticker. I did get a reply from Arndt Kriegeskorte who wanted to know what model tank was on the target.

I sent back an email informing Herr Kriegeskorte that the tank was a French R T Renault tank from late WW1.

Herr Kriegeskorte then sent back a PDF file of the 1910 catalog from his company and a picture of a circa 1940 German stick grenade marked "Kriegeskorte & Co. KRICO Stuttgart D.R.G.M.".

The 1910 catalog shows pistoles and rifles but no targets.

Here are the emails from Herr Kriegeskorte:

"Dear Mr. Wetzel,

From my daughter I received your inquiry about the KRICO-logo on your Schützenscheibe.

Now my question to you: – Do you now the model of the tank shown on the Schützenscheibe?

Might be interesting for you: My father was in companionship with general Clay.

So KRICO became in 1949 the first company in Germany producing barrels again.

If you are interested in more information about the KRICO history, you may contact me.

Best regards

Arndt Kriegeskorte"

"Dear Mr. Wetzel,

thank you for the information about the tank.

In attachment I send you a catalog from 1910.

After the lost wars a lot of documentation has been destroyed.

The picture of the Stielgranate I got from Italy.

It’s from about 1940.

I’m very sorry, but I have no further pictures of targets my ancestors traded.

Best regards

Arndt Kriegeskorte"

It was very kind of Herr Kriegeskorte to reply to my emails.

C. Wetzel-20609

Web capture_9-6-2024_123839_mail.yahoo.com.jpeg (64.8 KB, 125 downloads)
Katalog cover from 1910.
101112a.jpg (109.98 KB, 125 downloads)
Circa 1940 German stick grenade marked "Kriegeskorte & Co. KRICO Stuttgart D.R.G.M.".