In the beginning of this thread, I stated that the numbers on the front and back of my 1944 cardboard target were the shooters scores. I was mistaken, they are the 1 through 13 numbers of the individual shooter.

Today using a magnifying glass on the front of the target I could read the numbers next to the surname. Three surnames on the front; Berndt, Scharf and Korsawe, I could find no number next to their surnames. Using the back of the target, I could find their numbers. These surnames are for the most part, Germanic with a Polish (Korsawe) surname and a French (Clement) surname.

Here is my shooters list:
1. Elkemann-Reusch
2. Berndt
3. Scharf
4. Clement
5. Rudolf
6. Rethmeier
7. Rogozq
8. Korsawe
9. Behr
10. Haut
11. Beer
12. Geiss
13. Bruckner

Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 04/26/2024 08:27 PM.