I have been researching for Alte Schutenscheiben und Ehrenscheiben and gathering images for the past 2 days.

I have also been noting 2 types of original metal hangers on the 1930's to 1940's targets. One is a triangle shape wire loop attached to a square piece of metal secured to the target with 2 round head tacks (1936 target). The other is a flat piece of metal with a triangular base and round top secured to the target with 3 round head tacks (1932 target).

I just found this site and it is the most interesting site yet. If you scroll down on the page there are pages from the 1912 August Stukenbrok catalog, Schutzen rifles, original advertisement from sellers of targets and old targets. https://www.germanhuntingguns.com/hunting-traditions-legends/marksmanship-and-targets/

Web capture_15-4-2024_16345_www.germaniainternational.com.jpg (31.98 KB, 262 downloads)
Triangle shape wire loop attached to a square piece of metal secured to the target with 2 round head tacks.
Web capture_17-4-2024_12596_www.ebay.com.jpg (42.97 KB, 246 downloads)
Flat piece of metal with a triangular base and round top secured to the target with 3 round head tacks.
Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 04/18/2024 08:50 PM.