Svb,,,yeah I couldn't get it any clearer.. The 2nd is a bit better..

- - Thanks so much for the translation .

The stamp Transends'' all jewelers. - They all could use it....BUT,, there must have been some type of governing body .. Otherwise some jeweler could make a real POS piece, some real junk,,,and simply put the Ln stamps on it!!
I've looked a few times, done a small amount of research, but could not find really anything.. - There must have been standards, or penalty if if the stamp was used incorrectly,,, .A fine, suspension,, loss of manufacture licence [?] something!!!.

IF any one of you have seen it, or have it saved, it sure would be nice for us all to see it... Meanwhile,,I'll continue to check around, do what research I can,,there must be something out there...