Back in March 2015 on this "F Dula with a twist" thread someone stated: "I'm curious about the current price of such a knife". The reply was "Tom Wittmann has one for $1995.00".

So, I did some research on the F. Dula sales in the past.

On 9/22/2009 a good used set sold for the Buy it Now price of $1164.49 on the popular auction site. The set came from the son of a WWII Veteran and can be seen on the Worthpoint site also.

On 2010-07-01 another used set sold for $610.00.

As noted, in 2015 Tom Wittmann's # 37099 set was listed for $1995.00 with a Waidmesser in poor condition, and a damaged sheath that was cut short and modified.

About Jan 2023, an F. Dula Waidblatt with Waidmesser pocket removed from the sheath and missing Waidmesser sold for 11,000 CZK ($483.45).

In May 2023 my F. Dula Waidblatt with a rare "no-button hole" sheath, but a grinded, damaged blade, and missing Waidmesser sold to me for $441.99.

And now there is the single F. Dula Waidblatt like Gary's that never had the pocket for the Waidmesser on the sheath listed for 3,250 Euros ($3,487.57).

The best examples posted on this "F Dula with a twist" thread are probably in the $4000.00-$6000.00 & up range, but this is only my guess.

PS I have also seen an image of an F. Dula set that sold (no price listed) as a PUMA Waidbesteck set. Did the person really know what they bought was a rare, F. Dula set or where they disappointed that it was not a PUMA set?

C. Wetzel-20609

Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 11/06/2023 03:24 AM.