Originally Posted by Gaspare
Ed,, everything about the ring was weird and innovated. It plugs into a mini swastika on the holder. The holder / globe itself is made from silver and black wood. Its many pieces and can be 'broken' done/ taken apart in minutes. Black wood from the Black Forest, peg pieces are silver. The ring is one of the weirdest constructions I've ever seen.. As mentioned,,it a base ring with an outer skeletal form over it and all the decorations attached to it. Got to say, I've seen and studied rubies,,,,and these when viewed right are the darkest red you've ever seen.

So its not really a ring to be worn. Something the jeweler wanted to make to show Hitler the new things that will be coming out of Germany [?]. Anyway,,he must have liked it because he kept it with him from 1933 to 1945.

I have heard its mentioned in a book ,,,something about Hitler taking out this gaudish ring and passing it around but to date haven't been able to find the title or exact quote.. So its here for posterity and others to gawk at.... ,G.
It sounds like the ring you're describing has a unique and intricate design, with historical significance due to its association with Hitler. The use of innovative materials like silver, black wood from the Black Forest, and a distinct shape make it stand out. The connection to Hitler's interest in showcasing Germany's advancements adds another layer of historical context. If you're searching for a book reference related to the ring, it might take some time, but it's interesting that it's still being preserved for others to see. On a different note, incorporating this information about the ring into a gift for a wedding could be a creative way to share its story and historical importance with others.