Spitfire,,,that too I've seen in west Wall and Front! .. They are stamped very thin! If you really want to check if the plating is real here's a good check I've done before...

Find your wifes/girlfriend etc nail polish remover.. Take a 'Q -Tip' and just put one small drop on one end.. Find a spot on the inside band and do a small rub on it. Use only a little pressure, little twisting/twirling and thats it Stop.

IF its fake you'll take off what ever it is. IF real you can take some water and clean the inside ,,wipe it nice and dry etc. and it should be the same as it was...

PLEASE : IF your not sure about the test or not confident enough yet,, new collector, etc. do not do it!
Go to any local competent jeweler and ask him to do the check and what does think about the test.. Jewelers have only told me the damage can only be IF its not real plating.. IF you go ahead with the test please let us know....

: Nail Polish Remover': It has Acetone in it.. Do a search on it so you know what your doing with it. Its a handy part of my 'kit'! I buy mine straight as I use it for other things.... * WARNING,,,It is VERY powerful and dangerous and I suggest getting the polish remover. It's been diluted to a safe level so its safe for 'persons' using it.. Its the way to go...

Last edited by Gaspare; 05/11/2023 01:23 AM.