It occurred to me while admiring Joe's cased medal here that we do not often see any of the multitude of music/singing related pins, badges & medals that are out there. So I thought that I would start a thread with a couple from my collection. I will endeavour to post more here as I dig them out & scan them. If you have any items related to this area, please share them here...

First of all a group of Thüringen DSB pins that I have accumulated over the years. From left to right, the standard membership badge with pin back & stickpin alongside the "honour" pin. Then we have two variants, one with red enamel wordinng & the last with a narrow Swastika. The reverses are unmarked in any way so I will not use up space posting them unless someone wishes to see them. The red enamel example is so far, the only one that I have come across.

File1285.jpg (105.66 KB, 204 downloads)
Last edited by Don Scowen; 05/08/2023 09:56 AM.

"Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it"

Galadriel, LotR.