Mikee,, the AH ring has been around for many years. BUT, there was no rock solid provenance for it.. It was featured in argosy magazine many years ago as well as a early Playboy edition.,,,all looking for a provenance in a slick way...

- about 20 years ago or so I was hired to drop everything and was paid handsomely to find the provanance for the ring.. The ring went from the maker to AH. To the soldier that found it [documented] to a famous dealer in the Cleveland area who sold the ring to the man that hired me.
2 years later and I had the provanance!!

When the owner was still alive I had a rock solid offer from John Peppera for the ring. But the owner refused it saying "its go to be worth a million" !

When the owner died the family contacted me and wanted Johns number and John offered again a very generous offer for it.. They also being a bit greedy said,,forget all of you we're putting it up for auction..

Boy did they make a mistake!!!! The ring was improperly described, not promoted right among other things. The ring sold for $46.K plus the 20%

Now it is where it is.....

I still own one of the jewelers period catalogs of his work describing his work and this very ring.. There were only 500 catalogs printed and some say I have the only complete edition.. I can neither confirm nor deny this... I have the catalog, the Playboy and about 500 photos of the ring.

AH.JPG (72.27 KB, 404 downloads)
Last edited by Gaspare; 04/26/2023 02:12 AM.