
I would like to thank you for your first unbiased observation reply. I think that I was probably mistaken because of the eBay seller's title. You are correct that there is no reference to a Schutzen Konig on the Hirschfanger. Maybe Carl Evers had his name and 1926 engraved on his 1920's Hirschfanger, won the 1927 Schutzenfest and was awarded a medal or Königspokal. Then in 1928 was awarded an honor award document from Hauptmann Hesse, and a jeweler engraved the bottom scabbard from the award document. Does this sound more logical to you?

I found a picture of a 1932 Gadebuscher Schutzenzunft Königspokal that was returned to the club by the grandson or great-grandson of O. Kopsiker, the original owner. I also have no idea about the dates of the flag (1887-1929) that is displayed in the Gadebuscher Schutzenzunft club.

Here is the caption to the picture of the 1932 Königspokal: Lutz Kidawa und Jürgen Lienshöft (v.l.) mit dem Königspokal aus dem Jahr 1932. Der Enkel von Schützenkönig Kopsiker überreichte die Auszeichnung dem Verein hinsichtlich der Kulturpflege. FOTO: VOLKER BOHLMANN

23-78606254-23-78606255-1458747921.jpg (30.25 KB, 328 downloads)
Gadebuscher Schutzenzunft, 1932 Schutzen prize
Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 01/29/2023 06:21 PM. Reason: Changed some words.