I found this image of a medal from Remagen dated 1893 from a coin dealer.

It reads: " Zur Erinnerung, an das 50 Jahrige, Stiftungsfest, der St. Sebastianus Schutzengesellschaft, zu Remagen, 29. Juni 1893" or something like: "As a reminder, to the 50th annual foundation celebration, the St. Sebastianus Schutzengesellschaft, for Remagen, 29 June 1893."

I would also like to thank Chevlier for the great pictures he has found of the 1910 & 1928 Schutzen members.

image01465.jpg (54.67 KB, 235 downloads)
1893 medal from Remagen, Germany.
Last edited by C. Wetzel-20609; 01/14/2023 07:27 PM. Reason: added message.