Originally Posted by Sarcasmos
Evgeniys rings, while good copies, can still be told from originals, so getting one of those copies confused with an original is not likely.

As for the original post: The original rings would be hand engraved and inscribed as follows: "S.Lb. *last name* *date* H. Himmler". For example, I will post a picture of the inscription of my ring named to Standartenfuhrer Walter Jurk, a famous officer in the Czech Protectorate. His ring is inscribed "S.Lb. Jurk 30.6.34 H. Himmler". If you want an in depth and exact method of how the rings were engraved and with what tools, I highly recommend Antonio Scapini's new book about the Totenkopfring. He has a whole chapter dedicated to it.

I agree but down the road/years rings are sold,resold worn will eventually make it back to the market. It is unfortunate to think this way, but in todays worlds care needs to exercised.